16 February 2022
Dear Dulwich Alliance
Please see attached our answer to your questions and our public position statement, which sets out our position on the Dulwich area LTN measures along with our principles and vision for roads and transport in Dulwich.
Clive Rates and Tristan Honeyborne Conservative council candidates for Dulwich Village Ward
1. Is your policy that your candidates should be supportive of the LTN measures currently in place in the Dulwich area or opposed to them? Please share any supporting rationale or manifesto material.
As set out in our public position statement, our policy is to remove the Dulwich LTN.
2. If you are against the Dulwich LTNs, will your candidates explicitly communicate this as part of their campaign?
Our position statement is a public document and we will be circulating it widely. We have also attached a copy of a recent leaflet where we address the issue head-on.
3. What would you like to see change if anything? Do you have any thoughts or suggestions for a longer-term vision for travel, traffic, and transport in the Dulwich area?
Please see the sections “Our Principles” and “Our Vision” in our position statement.
4. Have you selected your candidates yet? We want to give all candidates the opportunity to address the Dulwich Alliance so please do advise of candidates and contact details.
Yes – the Conservative candidates for Dulwich Village Ward are Tristan Honeyborne and Clive Rates. We can be contacted on DulwichVillage@southwarkconservatives.org.uk.
5. Please feel free to add any further comments (you may wish to refer to our website www.dulwichalliance.org, or to the website of one of our founding groups www.onedulwich.uk).
Please do contact us with any further questions. We would be happy to participate in a call to further explain our position. We would also wish to participate in a hustings-style debate with the other candidates for the Ward, if you were to organise one.
Public position statement